An Eco-sustainable World

2030 Agenda – Goal 9

2030 Agenda – Goal 9

Building a resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and supporting innovation

Goal 9 of the Agenda 2030 program aims to build a resilient infrastructure, to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and to support innovation, to use resources more efficiently in order to incentivize clean technologies and industrial processes and respectful of the environment. Technological development, research and innovation must be supported in particular in developing countries. In addition, the access of industries and other small businesses to financial services, including loans on favorable terms, will have to be favored, and their integration in markets and value creation chains will have to be increased. Finally, in less developed countries, Internet access must be simple and widespread.
Over the next 15 years, especially in emerging and developing countries, infrastructure projects worth billions of dollars will have to be implemented.
9.1: Developing quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructures – including regional and cross-border ones – to support economic development and the well-being of individuals, with particular attention to equitable and affordable access for all.
9.2: Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and significantly increase, by 2030, industrial employment shares and gross domestic product, in line with the national context, and double this share in least developed countries.
9.3: Increase the access of small industrial and non-industrial enterprises, particularly in developing countries, to financial services, including low-cost loans, and their integration into related industries and markets.

9.4: Improve infrastructure by 2030 and reconfigure industries in a sustainable way, increasing efficiency in the use of resources and adopting cleaner and healthier technologies and industrial processes for the environment, ensuring that all states take action respecting their respective capabilities.
9.5: Increase scientific research, improve the technological capabilities of the industrial sector in all states – especially in developing countries – as well as encourage innovation and significantly increase, by 2030, the number of employees per million people, in the research and development sector and expenditure on research – both public and private – and on development.
9.a: Facilitate the formation of sustainable and resilient infrastructure in developing states through reinforced financial, technical and technological support for African countries, least developed countries, landlocked countries and small island developing states .
9.b: Supporting internal technological development, research and innovation in developing countries, also guaranteeing a favorable environmental policy, inter alia, for industrial diversification and added value to products.
9.c: Significantly increase access to information and communication technologies and strive to provide less developed countries with universal and affordable Internet access by 2020.
This goal, among the most important challenges, is to implement technologies that are perfectly synchronous with those of natural systems.

Guido Bissanti

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