An Eco-sustainable World

Falsehood of Free Circulation

Falsehood of Free Circulation

Liberalization is a legislative process that consists, generally, in the reduction of existing restrictions (from Wikipedia).
Apart from the definition that we can read from Wikipedia, or from any other traditional or on-line dictionary, this term is being heard in public more and more often everyday thanks to the establishment of Western Policies.

In Europe, the Lisbon treaty, which came into effect on December 1st , 2009, not only refashioned the European Constitution itself, but also gave an increase of energy to the processes of liberalization and the free circulation of jobs, services and commodities.
However, if one examines the rules and the dictates conceived for the concepts of liberalization and free circulation, one sees that the European Union and the Member States have notable difficulties in the regulation of this matter.
There are many reasons and justifications for this difficulty but to be brief it stems from the fact that the laws of liberalization and free circulation are confused with duties which are necessary and opportune.
In fact there exist several degrees and levels of freedom:
· Liberty of thought, of religious beliefs, of political creeds, of ideals, etc..: These liberties belong to a superior level and cannot be subject to any constraints. Their recognition gives full growth to the human individual and does not require any rule, if not that of mutual respect;
· Intellectual liberty, of art and of work: these liberties belong to a subordinate level in that, if practiced in the form of service and/or work, they must be accredited through certification (Diploma, Degree, Qualification, etc.).
· Free Circulation: to this third system belong the liberties of movement of citizens and of commodities. This liberty, even if inalienable and not limitable, must be subject to a system of rules, without which the consequences of liberalization can seriously jeopardize the social and ecological systems of the territories involved.
I will dedicate greater and, I hope, more exhaustive considerations to this third system.
The movement of things or people (until teletransportation is invented) implies a vector that, being subject to the laws of thermodynamics, creates entropy *. This property is what the Kyoto protocol addresses in its protocollary and applicative forms.
A tomato transported from Beijing to Rome will create a greater share of entropy than a tomato transported from Palermo to Rome. If we were to believe that, because of the effect of the free circulation of the tomato (commodities) the process is the same, we would sanction a serious form of injustice and, therefore, a violation of the liberties described above (Liberty and Justice can never be separated). The injustice inherent in this discriminant of distance consists in the fact that the tomato transported from Beijing (in comparison to the one coming from Palermo) has consumed a greater share of energy and has increased the entropy of the planet. The internationally recognized formula of Sustainable Development states that sustainable development: “is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
However, every unnecessary increase in entropy (why transport the tomato from Beijing if it is possible to transport it from Palermo?) is an act of injustice towards our and future generations, and as such, a limitation of future liberties.
Without making complex calculations about the question of CO2, or using particular energy formulas that are unnecessary for political understanding, I have shown that the axiom of liberty and free circulation must always be verified with the unknown value of justice.
The liberty granted to me in the use or in the transport of a factor can not and must not compromise the justice factor either in space or in time.
The problem is that some people with little familiarity of the rules on which the universe is based would like to invent some rules of liberty without ever having read up on quantum physics, which has its basis in the full expression of matter on the so-called “degrees of liberty * * “.
It is therefore evident that if we want to guarantee our and future generations, we have to subject liberalization to the “Degrees of Liberty”, not to set limits on or to confine humanity, but to have it make that qualitative leap that is called the Full Expression of its Potential.

Guido Bissanti

* In physics entropy is a property that is interpreted as a measure of disorder (chaos) present in any physical system. It quantifies the inability of a system to produce work.

* * The degrees of liberty in quantum mechanics represent the necessary conditions in which the elementary particles can exist or move.