An Eco-sustainable World

Urban Gardens

Urban Gardens

In order to address this interesting perspective of the city we must begin by defining the basic concepts on which to move.
Let us always remember that addressing the issue of the Gardens and Urban Gardens, in fact we are talking about agricultural systems, although the size and locations details.

Ultimately we are talking about an activity that, to date, according to best estimates, performs approximately 10,000 years old.
In a time in which man has perhaps lost its sense of things worth being the first and fundamental question: What is agriculture?
According to Wikipedia: The agriculture is the human activity which consists in the cultivation of plant species. The main purpose of agriculture is to obtain products from plants for use as food or not, but others are also possible purposes that do not involve the removal of the products.
However, this consideration is always Wikipedia: Traditionally, in the Italian culture, agriculture is popularly refers to the exploitation of plant resources for food, while the exploitation of resources corresponding animal breeding, it is almost considered antithetical. A scientific and legal purposes, however, both materials are commonly gathered in the broadest sense of agriculture, which embraces the cultivation of plants (trees, grasses), animal husbandry and exploitation of forests. From this consideration we can understand why our western agricultural systems are removed from the ecosystem models (separating plants and animals): Let us always remember that agriculture is and will always be a simulation as close as possible of the natural world.
However we define it, either in the form integral part in that, in order to support an agricultural system requires two components:
1. A potential difference (energy source);
2 A thermodynamic machine.
A little ‘what happens when we connect a battery to an electric motor (potential difference) to make it work.
In nature, the ecosystem is the most perfect thermodynamic machine existing in the universe and on our planet, the system sun / earth is the battery (negative and positive) and the ecosystem (the set of plant species, animals and of soil, air and water) depicts the thermodynamic machine.
Now the ecosystem to function properly (maximum efficiency) must be more rich and diverse as possible (with all sorts and conditions possible), and in it there are no good or bad things or species: Nature knows no good or bad, but only balance and imbalance.
Up to the first of the 60 agriculture respected (even in its simulation) these principles; after 1960 (Treaty of Rome) happens something new and even disturbing: The economic world (with all its aberrations of which are only now beginning to glimpse the distortions ethical) decided to give agriculture a new and dangerous direction: according to politicians and economists of the time agriculture was to rapidly increase production in order to satisfy the hunger in the world.
From that day agriculture has lost two functions (the only ones ha):
• The social function, as the civilization was born and has progressed from the teachings that the farming sector (small laboratory of nature) has given to man;
• The economic function, because, on that day, in order to increase production has acted with immense responsibility, agricultural ecosystem specializzandolo (destroying the thermodynamic machine), destroying plant and animal species deemed unnecessary or harmful.
Since that day, in spite of what we think, agriculture has become less efficient technical system put in place by man to the point that … “Between 1960 and 1978 the use of nitrogen fertilizers was more than tripled, Despite this, the annual harvest of wheat in 1986 was lower than in 1974 “… (by Entropy Jeremy Rifkin).
Ultimately poorly diversified agriculture, poor in species and races (or even single-issue, single-crop and specialized) is a thermodynamic system inefficient, unprofitable and highly polluting.
The effects of this ecological disaster (silenced by corporations and economists reductionists) are as follows:
1 In the living species – 844 species become extinct in 500 years;
2 In the cultivated species (about 250,000) are now only 500 actual application but only 3 represent 90% of world supply;
3 In soils desertifying 70% of the same;
4 In the resources, by burning (or compromising) 70% of the same;
5 In human races – with the loss of some genomes;
6 In cultures – with the approval of the same by way of economic globalization;
7 In the traditions – with the false progress of the Enlightenment;
and so on.
We have reduced the powerful thermodynamic machine that was the ecosystem (including agriculture) to a candle, whose flame goes out every day that passes more and more. It is worth to mention here an old Cree prophecy: “When the last tree has been cut down, the last river poisoned, the last fish caught, we realize that you can not eat money.”
We must understand that only sustainable agriculture creates a civilization strong, rich, diverse, etc. ..
We therefore reiterate that agriculture has two roles:
• Role and economically productive;
• Role of social and cultural life;
A good agricultural model therefore generates two conditions:
• an ecosystem rich, strong and varied;
• wise men, conscious, full of culture and wisdom.
In the last century we have worked with models, methods, principles, which of the unnatural, that is something that does not respect the foundation on which rests the ecosystem:
• diversity (biological, cultural, social, ideological, etc.).
• the lower energy level (higher yield).
The nefarious attempt of the pure breed is in the deepest darkness of man’s heart! The disasters and wars that have been achieved have not finished causing death and pain, and today, the multinationals and the economy in an attempt to possess and approve the Life (think GMOs, pesticides, patents on DNA and things most aberrant possible) are retracing the furrow dangerous every absolutism generates.
Both urbanism and agriculture (which are two sides of the same coin)
has operated in this, effectively creating two models unsustainable:
• In the urban system we have created structures often single-issue, with a high consumption of energy and materials, low level of sociability, etc. ..
• In the rural system maybe we’re getting worse (but you insert them the infamous interest of multinational corporations), with outstanding skills, illogical waste of raw materials, loss of fertility, and so on.
At the moment we (if we understand fully the mistakes of the past) we have the opportunity to redesign a new model of civilization, just starting from the recovery of those urban areas, which today may represent the sites of a new renaissance:
• A renaissance man in a fit of Creation and an economy-sized man.
We can no longer educate our children in the way economists and powerful that divide the world with a clear line: on one hand what makes income, on the other hand that is not needed.
The world, nature, the universe does not work that way: we have to work on this culture by giving it to our children and to our children’s children: the only way we will save ourselves.
The Gardens and Urban Gardens must be the starting point and school behavior and outlook on life.
We must commit ourselves, through new legislation in order to promote the three functions of the gardens and urban gardens:
• The educational function;
• The production and cost;
• The recovery function (immigrants, the handicapped, prisoners not dangerous).
To do this we have to rewrite the ethical principles without which the rules, regulations, procedures of crops, and so on, will manifest no benefit to a man who has for too long now seeking Man!
We have to give back to the future inhabitants of our planet that unique wisdom that comes from the Great Wisdom of Nature

Guido Bissanti