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CropsPractical Guides

How to grow Salvia sclarea

How to grow Salvia sclarea

Sage moscatella or moscatella grass (Salvia sclarea L., 1753) is a small perennial herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family.
It is an edible herbaceous plant, with large fragrant leaves and a beautiful white-pink bloom. In this sheet we see how to grow Salvia sclarea and the most useful agronomic measures.
However, Clary Sage is an easy growing plant; it can be grown both in pots and in the ground. For its growth the optimal conditions are in well drained soils and in the sun, in these conditions the plant is in the best habitat conditions and also the best organoleptic and aromatic characteristics. It can however also grow in shady areas and in poor soils; in the latter, even if the vegetative capacity decreases, the aromatic aspect benefits. We recall that this plant lives in a spontaneous state and therefore in conditions of total naturalness.
If, on the other hand, it is grown in our gardens, as mentioned, it is preferable to have full sun exposure, almost without water; in these conditions the large gray-green leaves remain turgid and healthy throughout the season, being able to reach 25 cm in length.
It is not a plant that requires particular fertilizations which are intended for less rustic and more demanding crops. Fertilization, only organic, can be carried out at the beginning of the spring following the first harvest.

Also important is the entomological role of this plant which, with its abundant flowering, attracts large numbers of pollinators and butterflies.
As for the harvest, sage leaves for consumption are cut as needed, usually before flowering. The inflorescences can be cut immediately, as soon as the plant starts to bloom. The only thing not to be touched are the bushes destined to harvest the seeds.
If the plant is grown to extract the essential oil, the inflorescence is removed during the flowering period and before the fructification begins. Mass collection is carried out only in the second year of life of the plant.
During the harvest the parts of the plant must be placed, possibly under sheds or slightly ventilated and dry environments, at a temperature of + 25-30 ° C, avoiding direct sunlight. The dried leaves should be kept in hermetically sealed boxes or glass jars no longer than two years.
The fresh leaves can instead be used or added to soups, sauces, salads, fried or as an alternative to classic sage, flavoring for wines, oil for perfumes, potpourri and incense; besides with the leaves you can make tea. The main properties of Salvia sclarea are known in the field of cosmetics and perfumery with essential oil, which corresponds to the aromatic note of plant amber.
In medicine this medicinal plant helps to relieve stomach disorders and is spreading as a plant with extraordinary anti-aging properties. As well as its extracts are good for hair care and are also used for aroma therapy.

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