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Nutritional value of spelled

Nutritional value of spelled

Spelled, also known as emmer, medium spelled or commonly just spelled, is a cereal, a close relative of wheat. It is one of three species of the genus Triticum commonly called spelt.
This cereal was one of the first eight crops made arable.

Characteristics –
Spelled is a kind of cereal belonging to the Poaceae family. It is one of the first grains grown by mankind and has a long history of use in food production. Spelled is still grown and consumed in different parts of the world, especially in some regions of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Spelled is a tall herbaceous plant with straight stems and long leaves. The inflorescence consists of spikes of compact flowers arranged on terminal ramifications.
Spelled grains are elongated and slightly flattened, with a shape similar to that of wheat. They are wrapped in a double husk, which must be removed during the manufacturing process to obtain the edible grain.
Spelled is mainly consumed as a whole grain or ground into flour. It is used to prepare a variety of dishes, including soups, salads, breads, pastas and desserts. It has a slightly nutty flavor and chewy texture, making it distinctive from other grains such as wheat.
Spelled is considered nutritionally dense. It is a good source of protein, fiber, B vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc. It also contains important antioxidants and phytonutrients.
Due to its nutritional profile, spelled is associated with several health benefits. Its richness in fiber can promote intestinal regularity and contribute to glycemic control. Additionally, the presence of antioxidants can help counteract oxidative stress in the body.
Spelled takes longer to cook than other grains, such as rice or wheat. Before cooking, soaking is recommended to reduce the cooking time. It can be cooked in boiling water until soft but chewable.
There are two main types of spelled: einkorn (Triticum dicoccum) and einkorn (Triticum monococcum). Einkorn has two forms of hull attached to the grain, while einkorn has only one form of hull. Both types are used for food purposes.

Nutritional card –
Spelled is an ancient cereal; there are two main varieties of spelled: einkorn (Triticum dicoccum) and einkorn (Triticum monococcum).
For a portion of 00 grams of cooked spelled you have the following approximate nutritional values:
– Calories: about 120 kcal
– Carbohydrates: about 25-30 g
– Fibers: about 4-5 g
– Sugars: about 1 g
– Proteins: about 4-5 g
– Fats: about 1 g
– Saturated fat: less than 0.5 g
– Sodium: 1-5 mg (very low amount)
– Vitamin B-complex: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid
– Minerals: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.
The main nutritional benefits of spelled are as follows:
– Source of complex carbohydrates: Provides sustained energy thanks to the high content of complex carbohydrates and fibre.
– Rich in fiber: Dietary fiber can support digestion, promote satiety and contribute to bowel regularity.
– Quality proteins: Contains vegetable proteins that can be part of a balanced diet, especially for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.
– B vitamins: These vitamins play an important role in energy metabolism and nervous system health.
– Minerals: Contains minerals such as iron, magnesium and zinc, which are essential for various bodily functions, including hemoglobin formation, bone health and immune function.
Consider, however, that the exact values may vary according to the cooking method and cultivation systems.

Property –
Spelled is an excellent source of nutrients. Contains complex carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin B-complex) and minerals (such as iron, magnesium and zinc).
Spelled is rich in good quality proteins which can contribute to the body’s protein requirements.
Spelled is a good source of dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal regularity and contribute to a sense of satiety.
Even though farro is considered an ancient wheat variety and contains less gluten than modern wheat, it is not gluten-free. Hence, it is not suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
Spelled contains natural antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds, which can help protect cells from oxidative stress.
The fiber and complex carbohydrates found in farro can help moderate the absorption of blood sugar, providing better control of glucose levels.
Spelled may be beneficial to heart health due to its fiber and nutrient content that may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Thanks to the combination of protein and fiber, spelled can help maintain satiety for longer, thus helping to control appetite and weight management.
The fiber in spelled may benefit digestive tract health, improving bowel regularity and promoting healthy intestinal flora.
Spelled can be used in many culinary preparations, such as soups, salads, pilafs and even in flour versions for the production of bread and baked goods.

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