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Reproduction of the Scarlet Oak

Reproduction of the Scarlet Oak

The Scarlet Oak (Quercus coccinea Münchh., 1770) is a tree native to the eastern United States and introduced in Europe at the end of the 1600s.

Suitable breeding habitat –
Quercus coccinea is a plant native to North America and found primarily in the central and eastern United States, from southern western Maine to Wisconsin, Michigan and Missouri, and south to Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia.
Its habitat is that of areas where it forms mixed hardwood forests on acidic, shallow and dry soils.

Propagation –
Quercus coccinea is a tree that needs full exposure to sunlight for best growth. Its preferred soil ranges from dry to fairly dry, well drained and acidic.
The production of the seeds of this plant begins around the age of about 20. Seed production reaches a maximum at about 50 years of age. Seed (tree) production is highly variable. A good masting year occurs every 3-5 years, depending on the weather and environment.
The seeds are of medium size, size and morphology that are very close to those of a common hazelnut. The integument appears coarsely striated, alternating brown with burgundy stripes. For germination it is necessary to stratify the seed, stratification which requires rather short times (about twenty days) in artificial (refrigerator) or natural (external) cold. When the radicle emerges from the lower apex of the seed, sowing can also take place.
For propagation it is advisable to sow the freshly harvested mature seed as it quickly loses vitality if it is left to dry out. It can be kept moist and cool over the winter but is best sown as soon as mature in an open seedbed, although this should be protected from mice, squirrels, etc. Small quantities of seed can be sown in deep pots in a cold greenhouse. The plants produce a deep taproot and should be transplanted into open ground as soon as possible, as seeds sown in situ will produce the best trees.
Young trees should not be left in a nursery for more than 2 growing seasons without being moved or they will have difficulty taking root.

Ecology –
The Scarlet Oak was introduced to Europe in the late 1600s and has since been used as an ornamental tree in parks and street trees.
This plant flowers in the months between April and May. During this time, factors such as altitude and weather conditions play a significant role in the flowering process. It takes about two seasons for acorns to ripen after they ripen. In its natural range Quercus coccinea is prominent as a component of forests, including species such as white oak, black oak, and northern red oak. When at a lower elevation surrounding the Appalachian Mountains, pine forests and heaths are a common component.
Oak seeds grow faster than many other trees and can compete very successfully. To regenerate oak trees, oak saplings should be 1.2 – 1.5 meters tall before the topsoil is removed. To aid oak regeneration, non-oak stems in the undergrowth that exceed 1.2 meters can be controlled by various methods. The quality of the environment affects the regeneration of the oak.
Many wildlife species seek refuge in Q. coccinea, including small to medium-sized birds, as well as small mammals such as squirrels. It is also a temporary home for various moth larvae throughout the year. It provides food in the form of acorns to many animals such as woodpeckers, blue jays, small mammals, wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, and black bears.

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