An Eco-sustainable World
Ornamental plantsPractical Guides

How to grow Maranta

How to grow Maranta

The plant of prayer (Maranta L., 1753) belongs to the family of the Marantaceae and is a genus of plants originating from the tropical American areas.
Within this genus we find perennial herbaceous plants, over 50 cm high, similar to the Calathea with tuber-shaped roots, with very decorative leaves, obovate, whole, velvety, variegated and marked by darker spots, with a delicate and delicate design, from the purple shades.
The name of Plant of prayer, derives from its characteristic of closing the leaves in a paired manner during the evening hours, so as to remember the hands joined in prayer.
In this card we will see how to cultivate the Maranta following the most useful agronomic tricks for this plant.
The Maranta is a plant more like a greenhouse than an apartment, where it is rather delicate and difficult to cultivate; requires shaded exposures and hot-humid environments, away from drafts and direct sunlight. It is necessary to maintain a certain atmospheric humidity by vaporizing the leaves frequently with water that is not cold and preferably without limescale: use, if possible, rainwater that is slightly warm.
In general it should be fertilized monthly during the summer, with liquid mineral fertilizers, watered by partial immersion of the pot in a tub full of water, every 3-4 days. Repot or backfill every year in spring, using universal soil. The repotting of the maranta must be done by placing the plant in a vase slightly larger than the previous one.
For the cultivation of this plant it is advisable to use a moss-covered brace to make the plant climb.

The multiplication of Maranta occurs by division of the rhizomes, or using the young shoots obtained by cutting the root stock as vegetating.
During the cultivation of this plant, remember to remove the dry or damaged parts.
To summarize then remember to place the Maranta in a well lit environment but not in direct sunlight.
The temperature of the cultivation environment should be maintained in winter between 12 and 14 ° C; in summer the ideal is between 27 and 30 ° C.
Watering should be done frequently from March until the beginning of autumn; for the remaining part of the year, water must be watered with moderation.
The growing soil must be soft and well fertilized.
For propagation avoid deep transplanting and avoid water stagnation to avoid root rot.
As for diseases and plant diseases here are some tips.
If you notice that the foliage is damaged with spot-like speckles characterized by yellowing, this is almost certainly due to the presence of mites; in this case we must treat with appropriate acaricides taking care to wet all the vegetation.
The Maranta can be attacked, especially in spring from aphids on the lower leaf blade; in this case we recommend washing with an emulsion of Marseille soap.
If, finally, you observe burns on the leaves and reduced brightness this could be due to excess light; in this case bring the plant to a place not exposed to direct sunlight.

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