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Ornamental plantsPractical Guides

How to grow Magnolia

How to grow Magnolia

Magnolia (Magnolia L.) is a genus of plants in the family Magnoliaceae which includes over 80 species, besides the hybrids that are continually created, including some arboreal and other shrubs, slow-growing. Some species such as the Magnolia campbellii and the Magnolia officinalis can exceed 20 m in height, are characterized by interesting blooms and are native to the North, Central America, Asia and the Himalayas. In this tab we will see how to grow the Magnolia by evaluating the differences between the different species and their needs. The first distinction that is useful to make is that they exist, within the magnolias of the macrogruppi or macroaree. In fact, there is a macro area of ​​tall trees, characterized by evergreen foliage, with thick and turgid leaves and summer inflorescences, whose genesis seems to date back to the American area. These tall trees have enabled botanists to theorize pruning techniques specific to magnolia. A further macro area is linked to the Asian origin: the Asian magnolia plants are generally shrubs with large foliage, characterized by deciduous leaves and winter or in some cases spring inflorescence. However it is very beautiful plants for the soft colors and beautiful to see their blooms. The pruning technique for this plant is fundamental because through a correct pruning, it is possible to stimulate the birth of the petals directly from the branches, a feature which is practically unique in the plant genus. The differences between the plants of the magnolias give rise to being able to grow them in various conditions: from those cultivated in pots to those, which in size, need very large spaces green spaces, in gardens or parks. If you decide to grow a pot magnolia, you should buy young and robust specimens belonging to smaller species or hybrids, and it is advisable to place each magnolia specimen in areas sheltered from the continuous exposure of the sun’s rays and the whipping. of cold winds. Obviously if you want an interesting development even in the apartment you will have to lean towards a large vase. In the open field, on the other hand, it is necessary to choose sizes that are suitable for large plant growth, away from sidewalks, buildings or other artefacts and in very permeable soils and on non-calcareous soils.

The water needs of these plants (with the exclusion of those cultivated in pots that must be periodically irrigated in order not to dry out the substratum) are mainly related to the first years of life of young seedlings when the root system has just developed. Once the plants have been freed (which happens already from 7-8 years, the artificial water supplies will be less and less necessary until they are satisfied with rainwater. As for the pruning technique, the magnolia plants to be pruned they are generally those belonging to the evergreen foliage species of younger age, such as magnolia grandiflora.The shrubby varieties, however, do not require pruning, as they tend to naturally lose the excess foliage and therefore to take on an autonomous form pleasant and harmonious.Important is instead the pruning of evergreen species.This technique is essential to give the plant shape and to allow an optimal growth and a pleasant flowering.The pruning of the most used magnolia is that which is adopted starting from the outermost branches. of the crown: this technique is used to make the tree give the classic piramidal shape and that is among the most appreciated from a visual point of view. To obtain this result, pruning is performed on the peripheral branches of the plant, with delicate and clean cuts, in order not to leave obvious markings on the stem of the magnolia. The period of these interventions is that of the first days of June while it is absolutely forbidden in the winter months. If you want to propagate the magnolia or get new plants you have to start from the cuttings, from the margotte or even from grafting. This agamic reproduction allows in fact to have daughter plants with the same genetic and therefore morphological characteristics of the mother plants. The graft in particular is the most used method on magnolia plants more difficult to multiply and to give the faculty to select a root element more predisposed towards the pH. As for adversities, almost all the species of Magnolias fear winter frosts, which in some cases manage to create damage to shoots and delicate inflorescences; moreover, gray mold can appear on the damaged and exposed tissue portions, often leading to the proliferation of other parasites. For this reason these plants should be grown in milder climates and not exposed to cold and humid winds to avoid some fungal diseases that can compromise the root system.

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