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Properties and uses of the vitriol herb

Properties and uses of the vitriol herb

The Parietaria officinalis or erba vetriola or, also known as wind grass, red leg or periwinkle (Parietaria officinalis L.) is a herbaceous species of the Urticaceae family. This plant boasts many beneficial properties for our body, but is also known for the allergic reactions it is able to cause. In this sheet we will see what are properties and uses of the vitriol grass and its essential characteristics.
Parietaria officinalis grows in rocky soils, along roadsides and near walls or ruins, both in twilight and in full sun. It is a plant of origin of the European continent and in Italy it can be found up to 700 meters of altitude. The salient botanical characteristics are: leaves are green, thin and oval, hairy on the bottom page and a little sticky to the touch; green flowers composed of small black or brown capsules containing seeds; it has a reddish stem, covered with hairs and generally does not exceed 40 cm in height. The plant appears from the summer to the beginning of the autumn season.
The properties of the parietaria are linked to the presence of various substances concentrated mainly in the aerial part of the plant. It is thus used in the treatment and treatment of various diseases and disorders.

– Performs purifying action: it is indeed an excellent diuretic, especially for the presence of potassium and flavonoids. It is indicated in the form of herbal tea to those who want to fight cellulite or reduce excess fluids during a weight loss diet;
– It performs expectorant action: in this sense it stimulates the expulsion of the phlegm and is indicated for the symptoms of cough, bronchitis and asthma;
– Bladder disorders: it has long been used in the treatment of therapies related to bladder and kidney problems; it also helps to alleviate the symptoms of cystitis and urinary tract stones. This action is carried out by the presence of the mucilage which also acts as an emollient;
– As a painkiller: useful in case of burns, burns and wounds; in fact it manages to relieve the pain and helps the healing process and, moreover, it is useful in the remedy for itching. In all these cases it is used as a mush of herbs to be spread directly on the skin (cataplasma).
In general, Parietaria officinalis is used as a tea, decoction or juice or even as a cataplasm. Due to its properties, the vitriolic herb is found as an ingredient in medicinal products or in the form of granules, drops and mother tincture used in homeopathic medicine.
To obtain its greatest benefits, Parietaria should be harvested at the time of flowering and used fresh or even dried. In the latter case, however, it should be kept in a hermetic jar.
Attention, however, to allergies to the parietaria. Parietaria officinalis can cause in sensitive individuals allergies very similar to some pollen allergies. These symptoms occur with sneezing, tearing of the eyes, itching, up to asthma in the most severe cases.
In order to verify this allergy, a careful allergy test must be carried out and those affected must obviously avoid consumption, paying attention to other foods such as melon, basil, cherries, peas, nettle. They in fact contain dangerous allergens that could only aggravate the situation.
In cases of proven allergy to the parietaria, you must contact a specialist for the therapies and precautions to be followed.

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