An Eco-sustainable World
Ornamental plantsPractical Guides

How to grow gladiolus

How to grow gladiolus

The gladioli are a herbaceous species (Gladiolus L., 1753) belonging to the Iridaceae family, with about 250 species. They are native to Africa and Eurasia; they are bulbous or rhizomatous perennial plants, with long-stemmed flowers ideal for gardens and borders. Thanks to its elegance and the incredible resistance of its blooms even after cutting, it is one of the most cultivated and appreciated flowers in the world. In this sheet we see how to grow gladiolus and the most useful devices for a more persistent and abundant flowering. Gladiolus is a plant with beautiful flowers, of various colors and easy to grow both in the ground and in pots, with long stem blooms that bloom from July to September, depending on the period of planting.
The blooms are presented with various shades of great aesthetic effect. Flowers often have more colors and have sharp contrasts in the middle; it can reach heights between 80 and 120 cm, depending on the variety.
Gladiolus can be cultivated with excellent results both in the ground and in the pot, with the flower developing from a bulb. The bulging time of the bulbs goes from mid-April to mid-May, which makes it possible to obtain the first flowering 10 or 12 weeks later and with a scalar flowering and continues if the bulbs are implanted after a few days. However, you must wait until the temperatures are above 18 ° C.

For the plant you have to choose a position in full sun and a good garden soil with an excellent drainage and rich in organic substance. Choose an area protected from winds to avoid bending the long stems on which the colorful flowers bloom. The gladiolius bulbs must be buried at about 6-10 cm of depth, taking care to place at the same time a brace that supports the plant during growth.
If more bulbs are implanted, place them at a distance of 10-15 cm and take care to water them periodically but without creating excessive humidity or, worse, situations of stagnation of the substrate. Once the irrigation has grown, it must be abundant, especially during the warmer months. If the gladiolus is cultivated in pot it is advisable to decant every 4-5 years, with period in spring months.
In the periodic cleaning and pruning of this plant avoid to deprive it of all the foliage because it represents a nutritive reserve for the same that will serve for the following season.
Irrigation should be suspended only when the leaves are completely wilted; at this point dig up the bulbs before the first frosts arrive. Clean and dry bulbs will be stored in a box and stored in a dark and cold place. The plant can take place again in the following spring.
As regards pests and diseases, attention must be paid to the attack of fungi and pests; in this sense, spraying with nettle macerate and horsetail based spraying are perfect.

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