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How to grow the okra in a biological way

How to grow the okra in a biological way

To know how to grow the okra in a biological way, please note that this is a tropical vegetable, very common in Brazil and in other South American and Eastern countries. This vegetable, also known as the okra, is also known as quiabo in Brazil and bamiya in Egypt. Even in Italy this crop can be grown in optimal climatic conditions. In fact it is also cultivated in Eastern European countries and in Italy, where there is a 90% of area cultivated in Sicily.
The okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) is a malvaceae that is grown for its long and green pods.
From the climatic point of view the best conditions to grow the okra are obviously in the south, as it is a plant that fears frost and cold.

The exposure for its cultivation must be in full sun. From the pedological point of view it adapts well to many types of soil as long as well drained. The soil before planting must be well worked and provided with not high amounts of mature manure or compost.
For sowing, we recommend seeding and transplanting; the first operation must be done in March (with seed a couple of cm) and transplanting the full field (with 8-10 cm seedlings) in the open field.
For the sixth of the plant it is important to remember that it is a plant that can even reach two meters in height; for this reason (to avoid too much shading) you have to place the plants 70-100 cm away. The finding of the seed is not easy but is available online but is reproducible by keeping some pods for the following year.
For the cultivation care it should be taken into account that it does not need support, with some light weeding operation to the weeds (which do not compete very much with this vigorous plant). Large quantities of water are not required for irrigation; it is better to operate a little and often (especially in summer) and, if you do the mulching, you can significantly reduce the water and organic substances.
For the harvest, take into account that the cultivation cycle has a time span of 70-90 days and that the pods must be harvested tender.
The okra (or okra) even if you can also eat raw in salad is a vegetable to cook sautéed or steamed and excellent in ethnic dishes such as cous cous. The taste of okra is reminiscent of asparagus or artichoke for some. Among the organoleptic characteristics of dell’okra we remember: vitamins (A, C, B6), calcium, zinc, potassium and folic acid.

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