An Eco-sustainable World
Didactic Video

The true essence of Biodiversity

The true essence of Biodiversity

The reality we live in is much more complex than what we perceive.
We perceive colors, noises, smells, tastes, cold, heat and other sensations.
We touch the objects. We feel their consistency and their characteristics.
But all of this is, in some ways, an illusion, elaborated by our brain and translated into terms that we can perceive and feel.
Doesn’t reality exist then?
Are time and space imaginary?
No, perceptible reality is only a translation, or rather a transliteration, of a Higher Reality which, by its nature, is Infinite and Pure.
A reality where there is no difference between information, energy and matter as they are all on the same level.
On this quantum mechanics is very clear and without possible misunderstandings.

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But then the world we live in why is it like this? What sense can we give it?
Why is it so varied? Why is it so full and rich in biodiversity?
Diversity and, within it, biodiversity, are the expedient to elaborate on the space-time plane, at best, the infinite information that comes to us from the Upper Plan and with which we are connected without any separation (if not the one elaborated by us) .
Let us also remember that information, energy and matter are the three forms of the same essence that are represented, in a continuum, on our existential level.
Whenever we cut down a tree, eliminate an insect, kill a bird or deprive nature of its original power, we deprive ourselves of part of the information.
Consequently we become poorer, sadder and more lonely.
For this reason, biodiversity must be defended, cared for and loved.
All this in order to have a fuller, richer Life, and where well-being is shared by all.
The defense of biodiversity is one of the first sources for social justice.

Guido Bissanti

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