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How to propagate the olive tree by cuttings

How to propagate the olive tree by cuttings

Propagation for this is one of the most widespread methods in the multiplication of plant species.
The cuttings for the propagation of the olive tree, can be taken either from the branches, usually containing 4 – 5 branches, or directly from branches made up of leaves. The mother plants from which the olive cuttings are most obtained are: Franco from seed of cultivated varieties or the wild of spontaneous varieties (oleastro). For the olive tree, the most common propagation system for cuttings is that of semi-woody cutting.
The roots that develop from the cuttings, detached from the mother plant, are called roots from the wound, because they are formed as a consequence of the cut caused by the separation of the branch.

Let’s see what techniques to adopt to obtain rooted cuttings and then ready to give life to new plants.
The best time to prepare the cuttings is September; in this month we take the cuttings of 1 year with 2 buds and are placed with the basal part to root. To improve rooting, you can immerse yourself for a few seconds in solutions that favor rooting (rhizogenic solutions); these can be based on auxins (eg IBA, IAA) for 2000 – 3000 ppm, but I advise you, as usual, to make a radicular hormone at home.
These cuttings must then be transferred into boxes or pallets (they can be cold or, slightly heated to speed up the process), where they must be subjected to daily spraying. The average rooting time is about 2 – 3 months. These rooted cuttings must then be transplanted in January into jars to be placed in a greenhouse for acclimatization, where they must remain for 1 year until they reach a height of 50 – 60 cm. After this period the seedlings thus obtained must be repotted in a larger pot and placed directly outside in an area that you will use as a nursery.
These seedlings, which in the meantime have reached a height of about 1.10 – 1.30 m, can be taken from the nursery in the months of October – November as material to be used for new plants.
As for the soil to be used for cuttings, we recommend a substrate with a neutral pH and possibly sterilized at 120 ° C to avoid the proliferation of pathogens such as especially fungi.

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