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Asian Continent

Asian Continent

Asia is the largest continent on earth, in fact, including inland waters, Asia has an area of ​​about 44,472,097 square kilometers. Represents one third of all the land around the planet. It ‘also the most populous continent, it has about 3.4 billion people.

Located almost entirely in the northern hemisphere, Asia is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the east by the Bering Strait and the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean to the south and south west of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. E ‘connected physically to Europe.
From the southern end of the Ural Mountains on the border to the south from the Ural River to the Caspian Sea, and then continues west to the mountains of the Caucasus to the Black Sea
In Asia there are both the greatest depression, the maximum altitude of the land surface. The first is the coast of the Dead Sea, which is 395m below sea level, while the second is Mount Everest, which reaches 8872m above sea level.
The southeastern part of the continent is made up of a large group of islands and archipelagos (the islands of Indonesia and the Philippines, Sumatra, Java, Celebes, Borneo and New Guinea.
Farther north are the Maldives, the Andomane, the Nicobar Islands, Japan, the Sakhalin and the islands of Taiwan).
The Asia can be divided into five basic areas: the former Soviet Union (Russia and the other republics), China, Japan, Saudi Arabia and India.
Each of them has its own culture, its own language, its own religion, its territory and its history.
Physically Asia is structured in a complex way. The entire northern section is rigid, flat and has a succession of plateaus and mountain ranges. The southern section is more varied as it is fragmented into blocks peninsula and is separated from the north by a long stretch of mountain ranges. The southern part of the continent is typical for its instability and it is easy to see volcanoes that rise above the sea. The soil types are extremely varied. Siberia is covered for the most part of the year by ice. To the south, in China and Mongolia, there are steppes, desert lands and brown soils. Bell’Asia eastern stretches a strip of arable land, suitable for agriculture, in India where there are very important rivers such as the Ganges and the Indus. In the south are tropical areas, generally of low fertility.As for hydrography, the mountains and hills in the heart of Asia, several are considered the main source from which rise the major rivers that flow in all directions. Seven of these are among the twelve longest in the world. To the north, to the Arctic Ocean, flowing rivers such as the Lena, Ob and Jenisey. To the west, down several rivers such as the Ili, the Syrdorja and the Amu Darya that irrigate the plains of Central Asian and flow into inland seas, the Aral Sea in the case of the other two. To the south, the great rivers flow through the vast lowlands. They remember the Indus, the Ganges, IL Brahmapuutra, Mekong, Jiang Chong (blue river) the Huong He (Yellow River) and the Amur.The climate is varied and Asia because of its latitudinal abstention, and the diversity of exposure. There are mainly four climates that dominate in Asia and they are:

1. The Siberian climate, characterized by cold winters and long, hot summers and short, but drought in any season. From north to south the bands of natural vegetation (tundra, taiga, grassland) correspond to three different heat settings.
2. Mediterranean climate, which is confined to Asia Minor. Winter is rainy and temperate, while summer is hot and dry.
3. desert climate, where the drought is almost complete accompanied by strong winds alter where extreme temperature changes from day to night and very cold winters.
4. monsoon climate characterized by rainy seasons and some very dry.

The natural environments of Asia are very diverse as the rest, its climates.

In Asia there is the northern tundra, taiga, and in some parts of the prairie. Here is the largest coniferous forest where they survive many rare animals such as the polar bear (tundra) and the white wolf (taiga).
In Central Asia dominates the vegetation in the hills and high mountain desert and steppe where there are plains or valleys. But irrigation works have led to a decrease in the steppe and a part suitable for cultivation. The animals most at risk are: wild horse, the wild ass, the wild camel and white jar.
East Asia has instead an area of ​​high population density and therefore the equatorial environments that were were replaced by savannah. Fortunately, they were saved some beautiful tropical environment and of inestimable value as Borneo and Sumatra where they survive still rare plant and animal species as the Javan rhinoceros, tiger, and a species of apes called “The orangutan”.

Guido Bissanti

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