An Eco-sustainable World
Ecological Glossary



The term tillering means that phenomenon or phase of development in which secondary shoots and stems develop from the basal buds of herbaceous plants.
Tilling is a vegetative period, which characterizes different plants, during which other stems are produced from the stem that was formed first (first order stem). In this phase the plant thus takes the form of a tuft. The tillering involves many grasses (for example wheat, barley, etc.), from whose seeds more culms and therefore more “ears”, or aromatic, ornamental plants, etc. can be formed.
The tillering can also suffer a stagnation during the winter period, so there are two tillering periods: the autumn one and the spring one. The tillering is proportional to the accumulation of reserve substances in the plant, so it will be more vigorous the more space available for the plant, the fertility of the soil, the temperature, the light, etc.

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