Geographic map of Senegal
Geographic map of Senegal Senegal is a West African state. This country has an extension of 196 722 km² and
Read moreThe maps are simplified and symbolic representations of a space of territory that relate components (objects, regions) of that space. A map is a two-dimensional, geometrically accurate representation of a three-dimensional space, such as a map. In general, maps can be used to represent any local property or data and statistics of the world or part of it, or any other space, even mental or conceptual. In ancient Rome, a map was a linen cloth used as a napkin on the patrician tables. It was also called the red cloth with which the bestiaries excited the bull in the circus, as well as the cloth that the emperor or magistrates threw into the arena to start the races. The ancient agronomists called maps (because they are often performed on canvas) each graphic representation of an area of land. From this etymology the modern use of the word is derived.
Guido Bissanti
Geographic map of Senegal Senegal is a West African state. This country has an extension of 196 722 km² and
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