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How Summer savory is grown

How Summer savory is grown

The Summer savory (Satureja hortensis L., 1753) is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family.
This plant is native to western Asia and widespread in southern Europe. In Italy it is present, spontaneous or naturalized, in the North and Center, in arid areas. The Romans used it in great abundance to flavor foods.
The strongly aromatic leaves of this plant are used to give flavor to meat and fish dishes.
It also has therapeutic properties: digestive, carminative, tonic-stimulating.
It can be used for external use, as an antiseptic in oral inflammations.
On the other hand, it has no interesting ornamental use even if the plant still has a good filling effect due to the green bush it forms.
Furthermore, it should be remembered that Satureja hortensis grows from coastal areas up to the mountains at 1500-1600 meters, as long as the exposure is in full sun. Where winter temperatures are too low, it can dry out partially or totally during the cold season, depending on the intensity of the frosts.

Ground –
Santuregia hortensis prefers dry, sandy or rocky soils, very well drained, not particularly rich in organic matter; it does not require particular fertilization as it exploits the few resources of the soil where it grows well. In nature it develops in many rocky Mediterranean areas or in any case with poor substrates, where it is able to colonize small pieces of land alone or with other species.
Where this plant is grown, water stagnation must be absolutely avoided, which damage it a lot. In stagnant conditions the roots of savory suffocate in the submerged soil and the risk of root rot is very high.

Cultivation –
The cultivation of Summer savory usually starts from the multiplication by seed, in spring, and generally tends to spontaneously re-sow every year.
Satureja hortensis is an easy to grow plant provided you have a good substrate and ideal climate.
In fact, it is a plant that prefers sun exposure and temperatures typical of the Mediterranean climate even if it can grow with half sun exposures.
In ordinary practice, moreover, it is appropriate to contain its development with containing pruning. Pruning will serve to prevent the plants from developing too much in volume and will also help the Summer savory to drive back, finding new vigor and significantly extending its duration.
As for irrigation, it is not a plant that needs large quantities of water, preferring drought to excess watering. Adequate watering, however, improves growth.

Collection and storage –
Summer savory is grown, as mentioned, for the use of the leaves; these must be taken both for fresh use and for drying them; in any case it is recommended to take it before flowering.

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