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How Roman Chamomile is propagated

How Roman Chamomile is propagated

Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All.) Is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. This plant is native to western Europe from which it then spread to northern and central Europe as a cultivated species, but under favorable conditions it became wild again.
In Italy it is cultivated while it rarely grows spontaneously.
Roman chamomile is multiplied with two possible methods, either by means of seed or by division of tufts.

Propagation by seed –
In seed propagation, it is possible to proceed by purchasing it in specialized stores or online or by conserving the seed from the previous harvest.
In this case it is necessary to collect the flower heads at the end of the flowering period so that it has completed the vegetative cycle and accumulated the reserve substances in the seeds.
It is advisable to collect the entire plant and store it, even in bundles, in a dry and unheated place. This will also allow the vernalization of the seeds, which is very useful for a faster and greater rooting of the same
Sowing is done in spring on fertile and loose substrate. Once developed, the seedlings can be placed in full ground or in pots, in sunny areas and with well-drained soil.

Propagation by tufts –
As with other plants, Roman chamomile can also be multiplied by tufts.
This operation consists in dividing the different tufts, creating a new plant from each one. It is advisable to divide by bringing a portion of the root into each new head.
The propagation by division of the tufts must be carried out in the vegetative rest phase. A portion of the plant with roots is taken and buried, taking care to keep the soil moist at all times.
The use of cuttings can also be useful for the propagation of this plant.
The plant adapts well to acidic and humid soils, preferably fresh and well drained.
For the details of the cultivation technique, refer to the following sheet.

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