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Properties and uses of the mountain Polio

Properties and uses of the mountain Polio

Polio montano or Camedrio montano (Teucrium montanum L., 1753) is a small shrub species of the Lamiaceae family, native to central and southern Europe.
The scientific name Teucrium is due to the fact that this plant was already known and widespread at the time of Teucer, the legendary progenitor of the Kings of Troy, who lived more than 3000 years ago.
It is a plant that reaches a maximum height between 8 and 15 cm but in areas with cooler climate can reach double heights.

It is a perennial suffruticose plant, woody at the base, with wintering buds placed at a height of between 2 and 30 cm from the ground. The herbaceous portions dry out every year but only the woody parts remain alive. The whole plant is bitter and almost odorless because of scordeina (there are glands containing ether oils).
The parts of this plant are used.
Mountain Polio has antioxidant, tonic, stomatic, urinary stimulants and against the spasms of the digestive system. It was also used once against insect bites.
It is also used for its flavoring, bittering, aperitif and digestive properties.

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