An Eco-sustainable World

Terrestrial Biome

Terrestrial Biome

Terrestrial Bioma – A bioma is a large proportion of biosphere, identified and classified according to the type of dominant vegetation. As vegetation, as it is known, affects the presence of animals, in a bioma we will find populations and communities of animals and plants that include multicellular and unicellular organisms, even microscopically, that interact with each other.

In terms of ecology of the landscape, biomes correspond, with due adjustments, to continental or regional landscapes (ie large geographical regions).
The approximation to the study of a bioma consists in observing the structure of plants (trees, shrubs and herbs), leaf types (leafy and aghifoglie) and distance between plants (forest, mixed forest, savannah) Climate analysis.
Unlike ecozones biomes are not defined depending on taxonomic or historical genetic similarities. Biomes are often identified by the concept of climax vegetation, so with plant communities that have reached a high degree of adaptation to the natural environment that hosts them.

Ecoregions are grouped both in biomes and ecozones. Biomas are distinguished in aquatic and terrestrial.

Identification of an Earth bioma is based on its own plant species and on climatic, geographical, latitude and altitude characteristics of the environment.
• Tropical and subtropical rainforests (Tropical and subtropical wet broadleaf forests)
• Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests (dry tropical forests)
• Forests of tropical and subtropical coniferous forests (Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests)
• Hardwood forests and temperate forests (Temperate broadleaf and mixed forests)
• Temperate Coniferous Forest Forests
• Boreal forests / Taiga (Boreal forests / Taiga)
• Prairies, savannahs and tropical and subtropical spots (Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands)
• Prairies, savannahs and temperate patches (Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands)
• Flooded grasslands and savannas
• Mountain meadows and mountain bushes (Montane grasslands and shrublands)
• Tundra (Tundra)
• Forests, forests and Mediterranean scrubland (Mediterranean forests, woodlands and scrubs)
• Desert and xerophilous scrub (Deserts and xeric shrublands)
• Mangroves (Mangroves)

Guido Bissanti

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