An Eco-sustainable World
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A greenhouse is an artificial environment created to artificially air-condition an environment and to grow flowers and plants with temperature characteristics similar to those of their natural habitat.
Some greenhouses are also used for drying agricultural and forestry products. The greenhouse is therefore a room, more or less large in size, which allows you to grow plants that usually grow in countries with a warmer climate, even a tropical climate.
There are also refrigerated greenhouses used to grow plants that have lower temperature requirements than local ones.
From the construction point of view, greenhouses can have an iron, structural wood, masonry or aluminum structure.
These are structures that rest on a masonry base or on mobile supports screwed into the ground or on plinths and have walls and roof in transparent material; inside them you can let in light, regulate the heat and vary the level of humidity.

The walls can be made of glass or other transparent materials such as polycarbonates or polyethylenes.
The roof is sloping from one or both sides and equipped with windows that open outwards to allow ventilation.
As for the orientation to exploit the greenhouse effect, the most favorable is east-west with the sun’s rays passing through the coating forming the well-known “greenhouse effect” inside; the sun’s rays cross the roof of the greenhouse which, imprisoning them inside it, causes a rise in temperature. In a greenhouse with a standardized structure, in the center there will be a work bench flanked by two side benches that serve as a support.
The greenhouses can then be automated both in terms of how to open the windows and for other cultivation processes that are useful.
Greenhouses are divided into different types depending on the temperature you want to reach inside them and other characteristics.

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