Nutritional value of turnip
Nutritional value of turnip Turnip (Brassica rapa L.) is the fleshy root, i.e. taproot, of the Brassica rapa plant, which
Read moreUnder the category of practical guides you can find a series of practical advice on how to grow, how to produce, agronomic techniques and other useful information. The guide is written in a language that is understandable even to non-professionals and for this reason, every single contribution is presented in an essential but immediately practical and executable way. The various cards have therefore been created eliminating superfluous scientific and technical references that are not useful for this purpose.
Guido Bissanti
Nutritional value of turnip Turnip (Brassica rapa L.) is the fleshy root, i.e. taproot, of the Brassica rapa plant, which
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