An Eco-sustainable World
Ecological Glossary

Circular economy

Circular economy

The circular economy is an economic and production model that aims to minimize waste, promote the reuse of resources and maximize the efficiency in the use of materials and products. Unlike the traditional linear economy, which follows a “take, make, use and throw away” approach, the circular economy seeks to create a closed loop in which materials and products are kept in use for as long as possible, through repair, reconditioning, reuse and recycling. Here are the key principles of the circular economy.
Design for durability, repairability and recyclability:
Products are designed from the start to last over time, to be easily repairable and recyclable at the end of their life cycle. This means less planned obsolescence and more attention to quality and versatility.
Extension of the life cycle of products:
The circular economy promotes the prolonged use of objects, through strategies such as repair, reconditioning (refurbishment) and re-manufacturing. A damaged product is not simply thrown away, but repaired and put back into circulation.
Use of regenerative and recyclable materials:
Biological materials are reintegrated into natural cycles (composting, biodegradation), while technical materials, such as metals and plastics, are kept within the production cycle through recycling and reuse. The aim is to minimize the extraction of new natural resources.
Reduction of waste and scraps:
The circular economy aims to transform production and consumption waste into resources. For example, by-products of a production process can be used as raw materials for other sectors. This results in an overall reduction in waste generated.
Innovative business models:
Some examples are the “product as a service” model, where the consumer pays for the use of a product rather than for its ownership (as in the case of rental or subscription), or the sharing of goods, such as car sharing or co-working.
Key steps:
Circular design: Products must be designed with the entire life cycle in mind, so that they can be easily disassembled, repaired, upgraded or recycled.
Sustainable production: Reduce the use of virgin resources and minimize the use of energy and water.
Conscious consumption: Consumers must be encouraged to choose durable, repairable and recyclable products, and to embrace sustainable consumption patterns, such as buying second-hand goods.
Waste management: At the end of a product’s life cycle, residual materials must be recycled, composted or recovered to prevent them from ending up in landfill or the environment.
Benefits of the circular economy:
Reduced environmental impact: By limiting the extraction of new resources and reducing waste, the circular economy helps to reduce negative environmental impacts, such as greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.
Economic efficiency: By reducing dependence on virgin resources and making better use of existing ones, greater economic resilience can be achieved, also reducing long-term costs.
New job opportunities: The circular economy creates new job opportunities in sectors such as repair, recycling and sustainable resource management.
Practical examples:
Battery recycling: At the end of a battery’s useful life, precious materials such as lithium, cobalt and nickel can be recovered and reused for new batteries, reducing the need to extract mineral resources.
Second-hand and upcycling: Selling used clothes and creative recycling of old materials to create new ones (upcycling) are typical practices of the circular economy.
Sharing economy: Services such as Airbnb or Uber use the concept of sharing goods and resources, reducing the overall number of resources needed.
In short, the circular economy represents a paradigm shift that aims to reorganize production and consumption systems so that resources are used in a more intelligent and sustainable way, limiting environmental impact and creating a more resilient and responsible economy.

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