An Eco-sustainable World
Nature to be saved



Cyprus is an island country in the eastern Mediterranean and a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004 and of the Commonwealth since 13 March 1961.

Etymology –
The name “Cyprus” comes from the Latin “Cyprus”, which in turn comes from the Greek term “Kypros”. The precise origin of this term is unclear, but it may be related to cedar wood, called “kyparissos” in Ancient Greek.

Geographic Features –
Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, off the coasts of Turkey, Syria and Lebanon. It is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and covers an area of approximately 9,250 square kilometres. The island is characterized by a varied geography, with a central mountain range called the Troodos reaching an altitude of over 1,950 metres. There are also fertile coastal plains in the southern part of the island.

Historical Notes –
Cyprus has a rich and complex history. It has been inhabited since prehistoric times and has seen the influence of different civilizations over the centuries. The island has been ruled by the Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, Venetians, Ottomans and the British. In 1960, Cyprus gained its independence from British rule and subsequently faced tensions between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot populations. In 1974, the Turkish army invaded Northern Cyprus and established the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus which is recognized only by Turkey.

Ecosystem –
Cyprus’ ecosystem is diverse and hosts a variety of habitats. The Troodos Mountains are covered in coniferous and deciduous forests, including cedar, pine, fir and oak. The coastal plains are characterized by intensive agriculture and Mediterranean vegetation, such as olive trees, citrus fruits and vines. Along the coast, there are important wetlands that serve as habitats for various species of migratory birds.

Flora –
The flora of Cyprus is very diverse and includes many endemic species. In addition to coniferous and deciduous forests in the mountains, there are also Mediterranean shrublands, grasslands and coastal shrublands. Among the endemic species are the Cyprus cedar (Cedrus brevifolia), the Cyprus orchid (Ophrys kotschyi) and the Cyprus bellflower (Campanula troegerae).

Wildlife –
The fauna of Cyprus includes a variety of species, many of which are endemic to the island. Among the mammals present are the Cypriot fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the Cypriot moor (Mus cypriacus), an endemic rodent. Migratory birds are plentiful, with over 350 species transiting or nesting on the island. Among reptiles, there are several species of lizards, including the Cyprus lizard (Lacerta cypriaca) and the Cyprus cobra (Naja cypriaca).

Environmental Protection Actions –
Cyprus has undertaken various actions for environmental protection. The island has established numerous protected areas, including national parks and nature reserves, for the conservation of flora and fauna. Furthermore, policies have been promoted aimed at the sustainable management of natural resources, the efficient use of water and the development of renewable energy sources. Cyprus is also a member of various international conventions for environmental protection, such as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the Bern Convention on the Conservation of Wild Life and Natural Habitats in Europe.

Guido Bissanti

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