An Eco-sustainable World

2030 Agenda – Goal 1

2030 Agenda – Goal 1

Eradicate poverty in all its forms and everywhere in the world

The fight against poverty is the first objective of the Agenda 2030 program.
Despite the international efforts made since the 1990s in the fight against poverty, still today more than 800 million people – of whom about 70 per cent are women – live in conditions of extreme poverty.
Among other things, the issue of climate change risks complicating this picture even more.
For this reason, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has the first goal of completely eliminating extreme poverty by 2030.
However, to tackle the problem of poverty in a complex way, objective 1 includes, in addition to the eradication of extreme poverty, also a sub-objective concerning relative poverty, which refers to national definitions. Poor people are hit hardest by economic and political crises, the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, natural disasters and violence. In order to ensure that people who have come out of poverty do not return to it, this objective also includes measures to strengthen resilience, which include the establishment of social protection systems.
In summary, the targets of objective 1 are also reported.
1.1: By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people worldwide, currently measured on the basis of those living on less than $ 1.25 a day.
1.2: By 2030, reduce by at least half the share of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in all its forms, according to national definitions.
1.3: Implement at national level adequate social protection systems and security measures for all, including the lowest levels, and by 2030 achieve significant coverage of the poor and vulnerable.
1.4: By 2030, ensure that all men and women, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, along with access to basic services, private property, land control and other forms of ownership , inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technologies and financial services, including micro finance.

1.5: By 2030, strengthen the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to extreme climatic events, disasters and economic, social and environmental shocks.
1.a: Ensure adequate mobilization of resources from different sources, including through development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and reliable means for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, by implementing programs and policies to put an end to poverty in all its forms.
1.b: Create robust national, regional and international policy systems based on pro-poor and gender sensitive development strategies to support accelerated investment in poverty alleviation.
At the basis of this great goal, of course, there is the need to gradually create a drastic change in economic models, enhancing the conversion to the Circular Economy and thus activating processes for the enhancement of local renewable resources and their democratic availability.
Sense this change, the goal of eradicating poverty in the world, which is not only that of access to material means but also that of availability and access to information and training, risks never being achieved, making it poorer and poorer. only humanity but also the planet that hosts it.
For this reason, with objective no. 1 systems for the creation of wealth and well-being that are as democratic as possible must be correlated, having as a reference point the ecological and patrimonial capacities of the individual territories, in a form of growth correlated to territorial sovereignties and their ability to sustain themselves.

Guido Bissanti

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