An Eco-sustainable World
Ecological Glossary



The term albumen refers to one of the components of the eggs of birds and reptiles.
The album covers the function of protecting the innermost part which is the yolk.
Egg white performs an activity against bacteria that can contaminate the yolk, compromising the development of the embryo, being able to deteriorate at a rate slow enough to guarantee protection during the entire brood.
In the eggs of birds the albumen is composed of three layers:
– two more fluid exteriors;
– an internal thicker, gelled, which tends to remain attached to the yolk when a fresh egg is broken.

The average chemical composition of the album:
– water equal to about 90% of its weight;
– proteins (~ 9%);
– mineral salts (magnesium, sodium and potassium);
– B vitamins;
– free glucose (0.8%).
The albumen, unlike the yolk, does not contain lipids. Furthermore the albumen contains the highest doses of the amino acid methionine, whose metabolism produces homocysteine.
From the physical point of view the albumen coagulates around 62 ° C.

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