How to grow Digital in a biological way
How to grow Digital in a biological way
In this sheet we will see how to grow the Digital in a biological way. The Digitalis purpurea (Digitalis purpurea L., 1753) can be grown from seed. The digital seed is readily available in packages on most of flower seeds exhibitors. So if you decide to grow the digital from seed, you should be ready to pack it in early summer. If, however, you are going to bury the plants, you can plant them in spring or autumn. If you are starting from seed, seed trays used by 10 cm with special compost for seed. Lightly press the seeds into compost. Do not cover them with other compost after being sown, because they require light to germinate. Expect then to bury the seedlings when they are a few centimeters high. To plant the digital you have to find a site. They prefer full sun or light shade. Find a place that is not too windy and you have plenty of sunshine for most of the day. They should be protected from the wind because they are easily tossed and may change their form of growth if they are attacked by the wind too frequently. If your climate is very hot, semi-shade is acceptable.
The digital loves the deep soil, moist and acidic and well drained. So look for a spot that drains well, rather than retain too much water. If you see an area of the puddles after a heavy rain, probably not drains well enough to accommodate digital. To prepare the implant site using a hoe or a garden rake to loosen the soil and rake the compost to a depth of about 30 cm. This will ensure that the ground is properly packed and ready because the digital take root. Be sure to use a light dose of fertilizer (organic). Too much fertilizer will damage the digital age.
The holes should be spaced between 60 and 120 cm. They should be wide double the roots of seedlings and deep enough that we can adapt the clods. At this point enter the clods with the roots in the hole and slightly speckled the soil around the bases of the stems. Then the area watered thoroughly.
If you have to cultivate it for ornamental use it is recommended to apply compost each spring. This will help nourish the digital, as well, will produce large and healthy flowers. Cover the compost with a 5 cm layer of mulch to prevent weeds grow. The Digitalis purpurea goes innaffiala during the summer. This is particularly important if there has been a lot of rain or if you live in an area that gets very hot.
It recommends adding the support poles. If you have plants that grow several centimeters, you should reinforce it to prevent breakage. Used to bind wooden stakes and twine the plant gently to the top. This is especially important if you live in a windy area. The central stem is cut to encourage the growth of side shoots. The central stem requires more energy and water, and then removing it will allow nutrients to flow to the smaller stems, making the appearance of the plant more uniform. The top is cut at its base.
For the next year you can collect seeds. It’s easy to pick up the digital seeds, so that they can plant the following spring. Let the flowers wilt and remove the seeds from the highest main stem. Keep them in a cool, dry place and seminateli in spring.
However, if you have removed the center leg to facilitate the growth of side shoots, you will not be able to collect seeds.