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How to grow the bearberry in a biological way

How to grow the bearberry in a biological way

Uva ursina (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.), Is one of the species belonging to the ericaceous family and to the genus Arctostaphylos and is a spontaneous shrub in the woods (also known by the names of bearberry, wild grapes or grapes bear). Let’s see now, even in our countryside, how to grow the bearberry in a biological way.
In Italy this plant is found with good frequency especially in the area of ​​the moors of the Alps and the Apennines, up to an altitude of 2,400 meters. For its cultivation it should be considered that it is a plant that grows in shady areas since its natural habitat is within forests, undergrowth, particularly stony areas or rich in rocks but which grows just as well in the sunny environment.

They are shrubby (small-sized) and evergreen and therefore conserve the leaves throughout the year. The bearberry plants require soils with an excellent drainage level (as they do not tolerate water stagnation) and that the pH of the soil is acid or sub-acid, even rocky but not calcareous (to avoid the occurrence of ferric chlorosis). They are plants that bear very well the low temperatures and a little ‘less high so that their cultivation is more suitable in the northern areas of our country.
It is a plant that blooms between the month of May and that of June. Her leaves are collected for phytotherapeutic purposes; the leaves are placed to dry inside shady and well ventilated environments and subsequently contained in glass or porcelain jars.
Remember that the bearberry plants must be irrigated occasionally and in depth (even every 10-15 days) or in any case by assessing the state of humidity of the first layers of soil. During the vegetative rest, in winter, the plant should not be irrigated.
The multiplication of the bearberry plant can be made by seed during the spring season; you can use the small seeds that are inside the berries by practicing a light scrubbing with sandpaper, and then place them in warm water for about 12 hours. Another system (it is faster) is to start multiplication by apical cuttings.
An important precaution in the production of new plants, by seed or by cutting, is that they must be cultivated in pot for two years before being placed in the home; during transplanting it is advisable to avoid touching the soil near the roots, which are very delicate.
With the bearberry you can make some preparations including: infusion, decoction and cold macerate.
As in all applications or uses, for therapeutic purposes, extracts, essences or parts of plants always make use of the medical consultation.

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