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Neroli essential oil – Uses and properties

Neroli essential oil – Uses and properties

The essential oil of Neroli is in fact the essential oil produced from the bitter orange flowers (Citrus × aurantium L.) and its use is especially widespread in the perfumery field.
The essential oil of Neroli has a sweet, honeyed scent, with some slightly metallic and spicy nuances. Even the essential oil of orange blossom (essential oil of real orange) is extracted from the flowers of bitter orange but the difference between the two oils lies in the extraction process.
The essential oil of Neroli, unlike the essential oil of Zagara, which is extracted through the ancient technique, handed down by the Egyptians, of enfleurage, is extracted by steam distillation.

The essential oil of Neroli is therefore obtained from the flowers of bitter orange through manual harvesting carried out between the end of April and the beginning of May. This technique clearly affects the cost of this essential oil.
The main properties of Neroli essential oil are: calming, rebalancing and regenerating. The essential oil of Neroli is used in aromatherapy to alleviate emotional disorders related to states of stress; it is also used to deal with symptoms due to menstrual pain, tachycardia, hypertension due to stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc.
The essential oil of Neroli is useful in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders of the digestive system: such as states of nausea, digestive disorders, irritable bowel. The mechanism of action seems to be due to the effect on the smooth and striated muscles. Action that is favored by special massages with the use of this essential oil.
The essential oil of Neroli therefore, besides performing an important function of fragrance for creams and other preparations, has an important regenerative capacity on the cells and therefore also in cases of sensitive and irritated skin or in cases of dry skin, aged skin or speed up scarring.
For its properties The essential oil of Neroli is used in beauty masks based on honey.
Ultimately among the properties of the essential oil of Neroli should be considered as mild sedative and hypnotic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, digestive, eudermic and stimulating immune system and, according to some, as an aphrodisiac.
For the uses of the essential oil of Neroli, however, always contact qualified and experienced persons in the field.

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